The rice diet is a very difficult method that is used not only to lose weight, but also effectively in the treatment of certain diseases. Obesity techniques were developed in 1939 to combat diseases such as obesity, renal dysfunction, hypertension and diabetes. The intake of sugar and salt in the diet is limited, so the subcutaneous fat is rapidly reduced. According to those who lost weight in a month on a rice diet, it is easy to lose up to 14 kilograms.

Benefits of rice diet for the body
Women and men of all ages can lose weight on a rice diet. After all, the benefits of rice have long been known to people due to its rich composition: 80% are complex carbohydrates, and 8% are protein compounds (the most important amino acids for the human body). Rice is gluten-free, a plant protein that causes allergies, and the grain fiber content is very low, only 3%, so this product is great for weight loss.
Rice is a source of B vitamins, which are important for the nervous system. Its component lecithin stimulates brain activity. When it comes to weight loss, rice absorbs and removes water from the body, which speeds up metabolism and helps fight excess fat accumulation.
Benefits of Rice Diet:
- Low calorie content gives a feeling of rapid and long-lasting satiety, easily tolerates dietary restrictions.
- The fibrous structure of grain has the ability to absorb and remove not only water, but also toxic substances. This ensures effective bowel cleansing without the use of enemas.
- The presence of minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, selenium, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems.
Principles of Rice Diet
Modern methods of losing weight use a diet scheme - only low-calorie foods are consumed for a certain period of time. Due to the lack of calories, the body is forced to take energy from reserves, which leads to a decrease in fat deposits, ie the expected effect. With its low calorie content and large volume, rice fully meets the requirements of the diet.
But at the same time, it has another very important feature: after soaking, grains acquire a porous structure by absorbing toxins, slags and salts accumulated over the years from the organs. However, if rice mono-diet is used for a long time, the beneficial trace elements leave the body, so nutritionists insist on fasting with rice for a short time. During your rice diet, you should drink at least 2 liters of purified water or other liquid per day. Table mineral waters (non-carbonated), herbal decoctions and teas, natural juices are also suitable.
Rice diet for 3 days
A simple but effective rice diet - three days. It is divided into two options - rigid and simplified. Prepare rice in advance for the first express diet: rinse a glass of cereal, fill it with 2 cups of cold drinking water, leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, the porridge obtained by this method should be divided into 4-5 meals and eaten without salt, pepper and other spices, and washed with orange, apple or tomato juice during the day. The first method is good when you need to lose weight quickly for the holiday.
For the second method, on the contrary, cook the same amount of white rice, but not more than 10 minutes, and then leave under the lid for another 15 minutes. Pre-filling with water is not required. Simplified Rice Diet Menu (portions not exceeding 150 grams):
1 day
- Breakfast - Eat a serving of rice and an apple.
- Lunch - rice, carrot salad with vegetable oil and herbs.
- Dinner - rice, boiled beets, spicy with olive oil.
2 nd day
- Breakfast - rice with low-fat sour cream and herbs, a grapefruit.
- Lunch - rice with cucumber salad and baked mushrooms.
- Dinner - rice of your choice and steamed vegetables.
3rd day
- Breakfast - rice with oranges and cinnamon.
- Lunch - rice with vegetable oil and vegetable juice.
- Dinner - rice with boiled broccoli.
Rice diet for 7 days
Knowing what type of rice you can eat in your diet will help you achieve maximum weight loss results. Round grains are not suitable for the diet, because they contain a lot of starch and are highly purified, after which they lose many useful substances. For the rice diet, either brown (brown) rice or long-grain white steamed rice is used. These products do not go through a multi-stage cleaning process and therefore contain more nutrients. You already know how to cook rice for the diet, so we turn to the rice diet menu for 7 days (one serving contains 100 grams of rice).
Menu for the week
- In the morning - boiled rice, rye toast, green apples. Day - vegetable broth, rice with herbs, 100 g of boiled chicken. Evening - 200 g of natural yogurt with rice, any amount of steamed vegetables, honey or fruit.
- In the morning - rice, half a boiled egg, grapefruit. Lunch - fish soup, half a lentil with rice. Evening - oven-baked omelet, a glass of low-fat kefir.
- In the morning - boiled rice with raisins, rye toast, banana. In the afternoon - mushroom soup, rice, 100 g of grilled chicken breast. Evening - 150 g low-fat cottage cheese or cottage cheese mass, cauliflower salad.
- In the morning - boiled rice, pears. In the afternoon - boiled fish soup with peas and herbs, rice. Evening - 100 g of lean beef, rice, 250 ml of kefir.
- In the morning - rice with honey, 2 green apples. Day - steamed fish, rice, rye toast, vegetable salad. In the evening - boiled rice with vegetables, 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
- In the morning - a mixture of fruit, homemade yogurt. Day - 100 g chicken fillets, rice. In the evening - green peas, rice, a glass of kefir.
- In the morning - boiled rice, rye toast, banana. Lunch - chicken soup, rice with greens. Evening - steamed fish, seaweed.
Rice diet for 2 weeks
For those who do not lose as many pounds as they want in a week, they are allowed to sit on the same diet menu for another week. Do not forget about dietary rules to get the desired effect:
- Heat treatment. During the rice diet, foods should be cooked, boiled or baked. It is allowed to use 1 teaspoon of sesame, flaxseed, olive or sunflower oil in 50 g of product for cooking. Frying of meat is allowed, but without the addition of fat.
- Salt. The long rice diet includes a salt-free menu, but spicy herbs are allowed: dill, rosemary, thyme, fresh or dried.
- Vitamins and minerals. During the two-week rice diet, it is recommended to take a vitamin complex containing large amounts of potassium and calcium. It is these minerals that are removed from the body with rice.
- Menu options. If we are talking about seasonal vegetables, it is allowed to replace foods during the rice diet. But according to the calorie table, you always have to calculate kcal.
Rice diet "5 volumes"
This unloading rice diet is so named because the rice is prepared in 5 bowls at a time. To do this, take 5 cups of 200 ml each, fill with washed rice (2 tablespoons each) and fill with drinking water. Change the water in the glasses every day to bring it to a boil. Start your diet on the fifth day.
To do this, the contents of the first glass are eaten on an empty stomach, without the addition of any spices and without drinking water. Put 2 tablespoons again in the emptied glass. l. fill with rice and drinking water and change the water in the remaining containers. This scheme is observed for 7 to 14 days, and doctors do not recommend a longer diet. Follow these rules during this diet:
- exclude fatty and spicy foods;
- eat rice 2 hours before meals;
- reduce salt intake;
- limit yourself to sweet foods;
- Drink at least 1, 5 liters of fluid per day.
Rice Diet Options for Cleansing and Losing Weight
Rice is not the only effective multi-day diet. It is easy to cleanse the body with one day of fasting a week, during which time you only need to eat lightly cooked or soaked raw rice and drink other water. Dietitians recommend to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins, based on which popular diets are created by eating rice and other products: kefir, apples, buckwheat. Let's look at a few options for cleaning diets.
Kefir-rice diet
The combination of products such as kefir and rice is good for the body, but this does not mean that other foods are prohibited during the kefir-rice diet. Only salt, sugar, coffee are completely excluded, and the remaining products are acceptable. There are two options for the rice diet with kefir. It is not recommended to sit on a strict diet for more than 5 days and to lose weight on a soft diet for up to 14 days.
A strict version of the kefir-rice diet provides breakfast only with kefir and rice, for lunch - rice and vegetable salad, and for dinner again with rice and kefir. Approximate Soft Diet Rice Diet Menu:
- Breakfast - kefir, apple / pear / strawberry / grapefruit (optional).
- Lunch - 100 g of boiled lean meat / fish / seafood, a slice of rye bread, 100 g of rice porridge.
- Dinner - rice porridge (100 g), lettuce.
- Before going to bed - kefir or unsweetened yogurt.
Rice and apple diet
The rice-apple weight loss system was developed by the English dietitian D. Kempner. Its essence is that the 3-5 day diet consists only of green apples and rice. Sugar, salt and spices should not be used. Milk is allowed to be added to rice porridge. The daily menu of the rice-apple diet is as follows:
- 1 cup of rice porridge to be eaten in several stages;
- 250 grams of green apples allowed to eat in both raw and compote or dried fruits.
Buckwheat rice diet
This combined diet is also provided for 3-5 days to lose weight urgently, so there is no need to think about which diet is better, rice or buckwheat. Buckwheat-rice diet is known for its simplicity and cheapness, but doctors recommend choosing to lose weight with cereals at the end or beginning of long-term weight loss to "shake" the body to fight stubborn pounds. There are several options for this diet, but we will consider a balanced menu using buckwheat and rice.
- Breakfast - two green apples.
- Lunch - buckwheat (4 tablespoons) boiled in vegetable oil (1 tablespoon).
- Lunch - rice porridge with chopped nuts and lemon juice (5 tablespoons).
- Afternoon snack - vegetable salad. Dinner: rice porridge (3 tablespoons), chicken breast or steamed lean tea fish (100 g), cottage cheese with chopped nuts (100 g).
Rice and honey diet
This weight loss option combines the beneficial properties of rice and honey. Honey is useful in the diet because it is an antidepressant and rich in minerals and vitamins. It relaxes the intestines, so it will be an excellent choice for those who have a stool problem (constipation, diarrhea). Only honey should be obtained naturally, free of impurities, preservatives and pasteurized. An important component of the rice-honey diet is lemon, the juice of which is combined with honey to obtain a honey-lemon drink, which is useful for burning fat. Weekly rice and honey diet menu:
- For one day, you need a pound of rice porridge, which should be eaten at 5 receptions.
- Drink 250 ml of lemon-honey drink 3 times a day, prepared as follows: Dissolve equal amounts of honey and lemon juice (1 tsp) in a glass of warm water.
Rice diet with chicken and vegetables for 9 days
The most balanced rice diet is vegetables and chicken. This allows a person not to go hungry during the day, to saturate the body with the necessary elements. Following such a diet, it is necessary to fractionate and eat often so that the interval between meals is 2-2, 5 hours. The last time you have to eat until 7 o'clock in the evening. This rice diet is followed for 9 days, after which you will regain a state of comfort and lightness.
- The first three days>- rice, during this time you need to eat a glass of cooked rice porridge.
- The next three days are chicken days, during which time they eat 1 kg of boiled chicken without fat and skin.
- The remaining three days - you should eat only vegetables. Take 800 g of various vegetables and eat them in any form (except pickled or salted).
Geisha diet over brown rice and green tea
Representatives of the Japanese geisha look positive against the background of other women. Thanks to a diet based on brown rice and green tea, they are able to maintain a slim body structure and ideal shape until old age. We immediately note that such a diet is a severe test for the body, which is beyond the power of many.
Nutritional restrictions are in place for all foods, including salt and sugar, except rice and tea. If you're wondering if soy sauce is possible, the Japanese geisha refuses. The diet is simple and its duration varies from 3 to 7 days, depending on the strength and willpower. Japanese geisha rice diet menu:
- In the morning - half a liter of green tea with a small amount of low-fat milk.
- Day - 250 g of boiled brown rice, 500 ml of green tea.
- Evening - the same diet for dinner.
Contraindications to the rice diet
The rice diet is good for many people, but not for everyone. Although boiled rice is well absorbed by the body, it is a heavy product for a weak stomach. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting to lose weight with a rice diet. Large doses of rice should not be consumed by people with the following characteristics:
- cardiovascular diseases;
- Kidney failure;
- pathology of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
- colds;
- pregnancy and lactation.
Rules of dieting
To avoid gaining weight immediately after a diet, you need to know a few rules that you should follow after a limited diet:
- Do not immediately add new foods to your diet, gradually increase their amount every day.
- Choose foods that are good for the body, with a minimum amount of salt and sugar. Include the latest meat and dairy products.
- Get in the habit of limiting starchy, fatty, fried foods.
- Continue to drink large amounts throughout the diet to maintain proper metabolism.
Dietary nutrition tips
Dietitians believe that following a rice diet cleanses the body and gradually burns excess fat. But a diet is not enough to maintain the results and keep the figure in excellent shape. Get plenty of exercise with it: fitness classes, dancing or aerobic exercise help keep the body in good shape, replenish it with extra energy.
Studies have shown that it is not recommended to follow a strict mono-diet for more than 2 days to avoid dizziness or fainting and to produce the stress hormone cortisol, which reduces the body's tolerance. To maintain potassium intake and maintain the sodium balance in the cells, it is recommended to consume an additional 2 mg of fish oil capsules daily, increasing the supply of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fats, mineral and vitamin complexes.
Opinions and results of weight loss
The 19-year-old said: "Everyone who has lost weight with a rice diet knows how difficult it is to give up their diet. The rice diet is effective and simple: brown rice with husks and juice, so it's hard to tolerate psychologically. I thought about adding and everything became easier. Most importantly, I was able to follow a strict menu for a week and easily lost four pounds.
Girl, 22 years old: "I'm always dissatisfied with my weight, but recently I thought, how much can you lose on a rice diet? I would like to note the effectiveness of such a menu to lose weight, but you only need to cook brown or red rice, otherwise there will be no effect"The last time I followed a 9-day rice menu of chicken and vegetables, I lost 10 kg in seven days. "
A 37-year-old woman said: "A rice diet helps to get rid of extra pounds, but it has one drawback - she really wants to eat. I struggled with a three-day diet of unpolished rice and water and then couldn't continue. To lose even more weight, I will try a light diet with rice in a month.